Jeff Weberman



Jeff Weberman

Partner, Adeptus Advisors, LLC
Partner, Adeptus Partners, LLC
Long Island, NY


  • Tax


Jeffrey Weberman is a Partner in the Tax Division of Adeptus. Jeffrey Weberman is a NYS licensed CPA with more than 40 years in the accounting industry. Jeff’s clients cover a multitude of industries & business fields, but his primary area of expertise is in the real estate field. His clients own and operate various types of properties throughout the United States. He has represented his clients before the IRS and numerous state & local tax agencies in connection with various types of tax examinations. Jeff takes great pride in knowing that his clients typically seek his advice and counsel before entering into any meaningful business transaction or venture. He is an avid golfer and longtime hockey fan. Education: BS in Accounting from The University at Albany  Professional Associations:




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