February 02, 2023

Performing on Cruise Ships with Amanda Valletta | Navigating Life Through Dance

By Adeptus Staff

Today on Adeptus On-Air, host Michael Hoffman speaks with Amanda Valletta, a professional dancer who has performed internationally on cruise ships for the last five years. Amanda describes her versatile career as a professional dancer and how she received the opportunity to perform on a cruise ship out of 300 applicants. Amanda has now visited 50 countries and performed for thousands of people. With her extensive experience, she shares great insight into what life is like aboard a cruise ship for nine months and experiencing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Tune in to hear more about Amanda’s journey as a professional dancer on cruise ships. 


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Time Stamps 

How Amanda’s career evolved 1:57 

Little chances of getting the job 9:00 

Making a big adjustment to cruise life 14:45 

Dining with the crew 21:05 

The biggest struggle with this lifestyle 24:37 

Auditioning for a job in South Carolina 27:32 

Are you responsible for your own housing? 29:13 

“Between my first and second ship, I had to graduate college. That was 8 months where I was off the market. Could not take any jobs, and I think that being forced into a situation like that helped me see the value of going out and being on these contracts, but also the value in being home with your friends and your family and finding little odds and ends jobs, finding a dance studio that keeps you dancing or whatever until the next thing comes along.” 32:05

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