November 29, 2022

Adeptus Partners Managing Director, Antony Gordon, Recognized as One of the “Top 50 Most Impactful People of LinkedIn”

By Adeptus Staff

The 4th annual awards, presented by LinkedIn branding expert Ahmad Imam, recognizes Antony Gordon for his impactful influence both online and offline.

Antony Gordon honored as one of the “Top 50 Impactful People of LinkedIn”

Adeptus Partners, LLC Managing Director, Antony Gordon, was recognized as one of the “Top 50 Impactful People of LinkedIn” by branding expert and global influencer, Ahmad Imam, founder of The Executive Brand. This 4th annual list received more than 25 thousand nominations, and through a careful selection process, the top 50 influencers were recognized. To receive this honor, the recipient must have an active social media presence on LinkedIn, must be making a positive impact online and offline, and must create content that is both original and impactful. A nominee must meet all the criteria and receive a high number of nominations from the LinkedIn community for consideration.

Antony shares this honor with an esteemed group of 2022 winners including influential and impactful personalities such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Brené Brown, Simon Sinek, Ryan Reynolds, Melinda Gates, and Richard Branson. View the announcement of the 50 recipients here.

About the Honor

Ahmad Imam, Founder and Presenter of the “Top 50 Most Impactful People of LinkedIn” list, Global Influencer with 1 million+ LinkedIn followers, CEO of elite branding agency The Executive Brand, and Ambassador to the Royal Office UAE shared, “To truly make an impact on social media and connect with your audience in both a meaningful and authentic way, it is imperative to peel back a few layers and show your audience the human being behind the business persona. This is achieved by living and breathing the 3 following fundamentals:

  1. Do not try to impress, try to make an IMPACT.
  2. Do not focus on growing your following, focus on building genuine RELATIONSHIPS.
  3. Do not obsess about being popular, obsess about BEING YOURSELF.”

Imam added, “It was a daunting task to select 50 individuals from the more than 25,000 people that were nominated. Antony Gordon has built a significant community of people who respond to his wisdom and clarity. His message is the antithesis of pop culture platitudes. I think people respect his authenticity. It is no wonder that Antony has become the advisor and business manager to so many notable public personalities. Congrats to Antony and the entire team at Adeptus Partners, LLC.” 

About Antony Gordon

Antony has been with Adeptus Partners since 2021, and he has brought over 25 years of experience in business management and marketing, contributing to agency growth by acting as a strategic advisor for professional athletes and entertainers.  

“Congratulations to Antony on his recognition as an impactful leader in the LinkedIn community. Antony’s influence, both online and offline, makes him a great asset to Adeptus Partners,” says Howard Krant, Managing Partner and Founder at Adeptus Partners, LLC. “His positive influence adds to the strong culture we strive for as a company.”

To see more of Antony’s impact, be sure to watch his TEDx Talk “How to be Happy” from earlier this year.

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