
Privacy Policy

By using or accessing this website you signify your acknowledgment and assent to the Privacy Policy set forth below. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use this website. Adeptus Advisors, LLC can revise this policy at any time by updating this posting, and your use after such change signifies your acceptance of the changed terms. Please check these terms of use periodically for changes.
This policy is intended to help you understand how Adeptus Advisors, LLC (“Adeptus,” “we,” or “us”) collect, use and safeguard the information you provide on our website.

PERSONAL DATA If you browse any Adeptus website, you may generally do so anonymously without providing any personal information. However, there are cases in which we may ask you for personal data. For example, we will occasionally conduct on-line surveys to better understand the needs and profile of our visitors. In addition, we may request personal information when you register to receive additional information regarding our products and services, sign up for a newsletter, or send us a question. Even if you choose not to give information we request, you can still visit the Adeptus website.

In case you change your mind or wish to update or delete personal information (such as your zip code), we will endeavor to correct, update or remove the personal data you give us. You can do this by contacting us at the contact points specified below.

ADEPTUS ADVISORS, LLC MAILINGS If you provide us with personal information, and choose to join our email list, we will place you on that list to receive e-mail regarding important issues and new services from Adeptus. If you do not wish to receive e-mail updates, please contact us at the contact points specified below.

USE OF PERSONAL DATA Personal information provided by users may be used for marketing and promotional purposes only by Adeptus Advisors, LLC. Adeptus does not rent, sell or otherwise distribute to third parties, your personal information entered on this site without your consent, unless required by law or as disclosed to you when the information is collected.

We may share statistical or aggregated non-personal information about our users with business partners, and other third parties. This data is used to customize Adeptus’ website content and to deliver a better experience to our users.

SPECIAL CASES Adeptus reserves the right to disclose user information in special cases, when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other Adeptus website users, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. We may disclose personal information without notice to you in response to a subpoena or when we believe in good faith that the law requires it or to respond to an emergency situation.

LINKED SITES Please be advised that our website may contain links to third-party websites. The linked sites are not under the control of Adeptus, and we are not responsible for the contents or privacy practices of any linked site or any link on a linked site.


Questions about this privacy policy should be directed to:
E-Business Team. Adeptus Advisors, LLC, 6 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017. Email: [email protected]