October 19, 2023

Psychedelic Renaissance: Exploring Business Opportunities at the Intersection of Psychedelics, Sports, & Mental Health

By Evan Eneman

As Bob Dylan once eloquently stated, “The Times They Are A-Changin’.” We now find ourselves at a pivotal juncture in human health, wellness, longevity, and spiritual exploration, ushering in what can be termed a “Psychedelic Renaissance.”

Regardless of one’s stance on this terminology, it is indisputable that there has been a notable shift in societal acceptance and behavior. These transformations encompass a wide spectrum of substances, some of which can be categorized under the umbrella of plant medicine, while others find their place just beyond in the realm of fungi. Within this evolving landscape, we discern multiple facets of this discourse: the genuine healers, the diligent researchers and scientists striving to harness scientific principles for improved health outcomes, the dedicated advocates who have sustained this movement for decades, and every individual inhabiting this planet who stands to benefit from the fundamental energies and insights bestowed upon us by psychedelics.

In this article, we will provide a high-level overview of the subjects we intend to explore in the coming months. A particularly intriguing aspect of this emerging movement is the convergence of psychedelics, sports, and wellness, offering insights into both mental and physical well-being, as well as the advantages they bestow upon athletes in their amateur and professional pursuits. This intersection also presents an opportunity for those aspiring to develop innovative businesses, products, services, and any endeavors that contribute to the broader cause of healing and well-being, ushering in a new era of enlightenment.

Let us delve into some of the business prospects emerging at this juncture. It is essential to note that this field is still in its early stages, but several compelling dimensions merit consideration:

  • Brand Ambassadors: Engaging professional athletes as brand ambassadors has proven to be a potent strategy. Athletes possess a unique capacity to enhance brand visibility, especially in the digital domain, and can significantly influence direct sales, particularly among key demographics. Athletes are, in themselves, prominent brands, and their influence fluctuates based on their adept management of opportunities on and off the field. Identifying the right fit is crucial as consumers now seek authenticity. Athletes authentically embody real experiences and serve as relatable role models, especially for young athletes and fans. In the context of plant medicine, athlete endorsements bestow credibility and help dispel stigmas associated with such treatments. Athletes also offer genuine engagement, social relevance, both online and offline, and meaningful connections with fans, making them invaluable to consumers. Establishing a long-term partnership with an athlete transcends mere short-term endorsements, and cases like Megan Rapinoe and Aaron Rogers embracing plant medicine exemplify the potential for others.


  • Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Clinics for Athletes: Mirroring the surging interest in online and physical clinics focused on the therapeutic potential of psychedelics for various conditions, specialized clinics tailored to athletes could emerge, providing a unique avenue for enhancing performance and overall athlete well-being. Athletes, despite their off-field presence, often embody heroic and legendary personas on it. Offering curated experiences and treatments to athletes presents a distinctive approach to advancing your business, while simultaneously catering to individuals seeking to bolster their overall wellness and, in some instances, enhance their on-field or boardroom performance. A growing body of research from respected institutions like MAPS and Johns Hopkins University supports the efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapy for conditions such as PTSD and depression.


  • Mental Health and Performance Coaching: Pioneering research, such as the 2020 study titled ‘Advancing elite athlete mental health treatment with psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy’  published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, has unveiled the therapeutic potential of psychedelics for athletes’ mental well-being. This promising avenue of research prompts a discussion on how best to leverage psychedelic medicine for elite athletes, particularly in the fields of sports psychology and psychiatry. It may pave the way for specialized coaching services that seamlessly integrate mental health and performance enhancement strategies for athletes.


  • Nutritional Supplements and Wellness Products: Entrepreneurs have ventured into the wellness market by crafting products designed to enhance mental health and emotional well-being. These include nutritional supplements, wellness apps, and mindfulness products tailored to athletes and individuals seeking alternative mental health support. Notably, brands like Thesis have taken the lead in this domain, collaborating with professional athletes like Kevin Love to emphasize mental health benefits.

Apart from these avenues, there are diverse opportunities such as traditional venture capital investments, launching your business ventures (as several former athletes have done), or aligning with brands that resonate with your values. It is crucial to acknowledge that this field is still evolving, and stringent legal and ethical considerations must be navigated. The use of psychedelics is tightly regulated in many countries, and businesses must adhere to rigorous legal and safety standards. Furthermore, the well-being and mental health of athletes and other consumers should always remain the paramount concern.

In conclusion, while the intersection of psychedelics, sports, and mental health holds promise for business opportunities, those seeking engagement in this domain should approach it with a profound understanding of the scientific, regulatory, and ethical dimensions, just as much as they do the financial ones. The evolving landscape of psychedelics in mental health offers potential, but it necessitates responsible and ethical participation along with rigorous review of business opportunities and long term viability.

To learn more about how our cannabis & psychedelics Emerging Markets Practice can help you get full value from your business opportunities, contact our emerging markets practice experts.

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