October 12, 2023

Psychedelics & Sports

By Evan Eneman

The combination of psychedelics and sports is a complex and controversial topic and raises many questions to leagues, players, and fans alike about the potential risks and benefits of integrating psychedelics into the wide world of sports.

Psychedelics are a class of substances that alter perception, mood, and consciousness and can lead to hallucinations and intense introspection. Common psychedelics include LSD, psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms), and DMT (found in ayahuasca). Psychedelics have been utilized for centuries in various cultures for spiritual, therapeutic, and recreational purposes. In the realm of sports, their potential to enhance performance and promote mental well-being is gaining increasing attention.

The historical connection between psychedelics and sports dates back to ancient civilizations, where psychedelic substances were used to enhance physical prowess and induce altered states of consciousness. In modern times, anecdotal accounts from athletes suggest that psychedelics can improve focus, motivation, and resilience. Scientific research in this area is still in its infancy, however, there have been many studies conducted over the last several years that are analyzing the individual effects and experiences at the intersection of psychedelics and sports. 

It’s important to note that the use of psychedelics is illegal in many parts of the world and can have serious legal and health consequences. Furthermore, the use of these substances can be dangerous and should not be taken lightly. 

The following lists how psychedelics can have an impact on the sports world:

  • Enhanced Creativity: Some athletes and artists have claimed that psychedelics can enhance their creative thinking, allowing them to approach their sports or other activities with a fresh perspective. Think Aaron Rodgers.
  • Altered Perception of Time: Psychedelics can distort one’s sense of time, which may lead to unique experiences during sports. Athletes might report feeling like they have more time to react or that the game is moving in slow motion.  Ever read the story of Doc Ellis?
  • Increased Sensory Awareness: Psychedelics can heighten sensory perception, potentially allowing athletes to be more in tune with their bodies and the environment. This heightened awareness could be considered an advantage in some sports.
  • Psychological Insights: Psychedelics can lead to introspection and self-reflection. Some athletes have used psychedelics as a means of exploring their fears, anxieties, and personal limitations, which can potentially lead to improved mental resilience.
  • Risk of Impairment: On the flip side, psychedelics can impair coordination, judgment, and decision-making, which are essential in most sports. Using psychedelics before participating in sports can pose serious safety risks to both the individual and others involved.
  • Legal and Ethical Issues: Using psychedelics in a competitive sports setting can raise ethical and legal concerns, particularly if the substance is banned by the sports governing body. Athletes may face consequences such as disqualification or suspension if they test positive for prohibited substances.

It’s crucial to emphasize that the use of psychedelics, especially in the context of sports, is not endorsed or encouraged.  However, as research progresses, the understanding of psychedelics and their potential applications in sports will continue to evolve. Athletes considering psychedelic use should consult with qualified medical professionals to assess individual risks and benefits. With careful consideration and responsible use, psychedelics may emerge as valuable tools for enhancing athletic performance and promoting overall well-being.

To learn more about how our cannabis & psychedelics Emerging Markets Practice can help you get full value from your business opportunities, contact our emerging markets practice experts.


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