Alice Lee



Alice Lee

Key Industries

  • Business Management


Alice Lee is at Tribeca Business Management, a Division of Adeptus. Founder – Tribeca Business Management Managing Director - Tribeca Business Management, a Division of Adeptus I founded Tribeca Business Management in 2005. We have been a full- service business management firm specializing in the accounting, business management and tax needs of clients in the entertainment field. Our client roster includes Grammy winning musicians as well as Emmy and Oscar nominated artists. In November of 2020, I was very excited to merge Tribeca with Adeptus. Adeptus is a wonderful family to join, with an amazing group of talented professionals to work with. Our focus includes all aspects of client cash management, tax preparation, personal and business budgets and review and analysis of client insurance needs. We assist clients in realizing their dreams of home ownership. We are involved with assisting clients in various investment decisions. I am happy to say that I am one of the very lucky people who very much loves the work that and I do --and I love doing it. Education

  • BA - City University of NY - English Literature
  • MBA - Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle Illinois. Concentration in Accounting and Tax.


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