Email: [email protected]
Nina Cisterna
Administrative Assistant, Adeptus Advisors, LLC
White Plains, NY
- Tax
Nina Cisterna is an Administrative Assistant in the Administration Division of Adeptus. Nina oversees and supports all staff along with managing the operational functions of the tax office. Bookkeeping, organizational skills, client interaction, and team building are her strongholds. Her daily duties include banking deposits, credit card processing, data entry, scanning all client’s personal supporting documents, ordering supplies, and assisting staff in the Long Island office. She emails and interacts with professionals from all trades, including attorneys, radio personalities, and real estate along with homeowners and trusts. She believes it is important to keep and build a strong & professional rapport with clients as well as the staff, as this is what makes a trustworthy relationship over the years. As a first responder & Lieutenant with Emergency Response, & Ham Radio Operator with Westchester Emergency Communications Association, she has mastered the skills of switching from one duty to the other with ease & calmness which makes it an easier workday with listening skills, and accessing the importance of prioritizing duties with and for my co-workers, our respective clients and all whom we have business with. She is a member of the American Red Cross Mass Care Team in Westchester County & also teaches Emergency Response once a year, which includes safety and preparedness to neighbors, firefighters, and EMTs. On days off, the kitchen is her favorite place as a baker & chef of all ethnicities. She plays the baritone ukulele & mandolin, and her 2 rescue cats are her audience! She is married and has resided in Hartsdale, NY for approximately 30 years.
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