December 22, 2022

The Philosophy of Business Leadership with Jim McAlpine | Becoming an Authentic Leader

By Adeptus Staff

On today’s podcast, host Evan Eneman chats with Jim McAlpine, an entrepreneur with over 30 year’s experience developing business ventures surrounding athletics and cannabis. Jim shares his approach to executive level leadership and how it has evolved over his career through utilizing philosophy and active listening to influence his business decisions and help him understand the unique strengths of his team. Listen in to hear more about Jim’s journey to educate on the importance of authentic leadership, working with a team, and his work to destigmatize cannabis by partnering with athletes.


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Time Stamps 

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 1:30

What is most applicable to him in being a leader and entrepreneur 5:23

How identifying strengths and weaknesses has improved things 9:19

Working smarter and measuring this in your team 18:57

How he’s been able to work with different individuals and present their message 22:29

Things he would like future generations to remember 27:34

Being influential in a positive way 36:49

“That’s kind of the precipice of what I’d like to do as I get older and move into life is help people connect, whether it’s at a corporation, or if it’s just in life, so I really enjoyed being the, not the boss, but more almost like the older brother or the dad that could come in and be like ‘Sit down guys, let’s have a talk. Let’s work through our problems.’ I don’t think a lot of people do that. I think a lot of people avoid their problems and the last thing they wanna do is sit down and try to face them.” 11:02

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