April 06, 2023

Voice Acting with Gina Scarpa | Investing in Yourself

By Adeptus Staff

Today on Adeptus On-Air, host Michael Hoffman chats with Gina Scarpa, a professional voice actor who has voiced popular brands and video game characters like Burger King, Vista Print, and the Walking Dead. Gina details her transition into voice acting during the pandemic and shares her steps to make her side hustle a six-figure career. She gives intel on her experience playing a variety of video game characters and even gives Michael a preview of the voice work she does! Listen in to hear Gina’s story, from transitioning careers, taking a chance on voice acting, and managing an auto-immune disorder as she gained more acclaim in the voiceover world. 


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Gina Scarpa’s Resources

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Time Stamps 

Time Stamps:

2:15 How Gina got where she is today. 

6:50 How Gina found success in voice acting

12:19 Examples of Gina’s characters 

21:29 Positive Voice Studio 

29:26 All the voiceover opportunities

33:33 Does Gina play the games she voices?

 31:20 “When I first went full time, I had about $1000 in my bank account and like, no back up plan, so people would often say to me as I’m coaching them or when I speak in workshops or things like that, how much money did you have saved when you went full time?, and I was like, zero. They were like, what’s your backup plan?..didn’t have one. What was in your savings account?…nothing. I had nothing. I bought a decent microphone and an audio interface that the mic plugs into so it’s an upgrade from a USB mic and then I joined voices.com, so between the mic, the interface, and the membership, it was about $1000 and within about 2 weeks, I booked my first job on that site that paid about $500 and I was like, okay, great! We’re moving! And then it was just from there. Every time I started making a good amount of money, I was like, okay, let’s upgrade that microphone, let’s take a new workshop, let’s make a demo, and I’m still constantly investing in myself to try and push myself forward – and it’s great for write-offs.”

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